Singapore - Boon Sin's Time

London - Alma's Time

Sunday, June 12, 2011

An Unbelievable Coincidence

I haven’t met JL for about 12 years.

On that morning, I was to leave London for Hamburg.

While in London, he commented on a photo I uploaded on Facebook, asking me to enjoy afternoon teas on his behalf. I joking replied ‘Nope, won’t enjoy for you. You come over, and we shall have an afternoon tea together.’

At Heathrow Airport, while waiting for the flight to Hamburg to take off, I saw someone whom i thought resembled him so much. That someone threw frequent glances at my direction and I was thinking I would write him an email, after arriving in Hamburg, telling him I had seen someone who looked so much like him.

It honestly didn’t occur to me that it was actually him! As, 12 hours ago, he was still in Taiwan, commenting on my photographs.

Just before we board the flight. I finally realized and confirmed, almost at the same time - that it was him!

I walked over, delightfully asked him in Mandarin, ‘Why are you here?’
He was 10 times calmer than I was. In an exceptionally calm tone, he replied, ‘Didn’t you say an afternoon tea together?’

What a cool reply!!! I was very amused, amidst the pleasant surprise.

He then told me he too, was suspecting that it could be me, but he didn’t believe a coincidence could go that far.

And indeed, our coincidence took a step further - we were both dued to take the SAME flight to Hamburg.

Indeed. Time had carefully calibrated all factors behind certain people, certain incidents and certain objects under certain specific settings. Any changes in any one of the settings or along any of the threads would alter the entire outcome. And a coincidence wouldn’t then have happened. With that in mind, I had always cherished coincidence, and am always thankful for the happening of 'such a moment'.

To all my friends whom I had had such a moment… I would register ‘that moment’ of ours in my memory... and in my heart, eternally. :)

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